Thursday 7 June 2012

Fly High don’t Walk Low

People have started travelling by plane more now than ever before. The safety of the passengers on board is the prime concern of the aviation authorities. Despite safety precautions, accidents do occur. Hence the demand for aviation consulting and airline consulting is growing by leaps and bounds.

An aviation accident
An aviation incident is defined as an occurrence, other than an accident, associated with the operation of an aircraft that affects or could affect the safety of operations. An accident in which the damage to the aircraft is such that it must be written off, or in which the plane is destroyed is called a hull loss accident.

An Air Safety Investigator
An Aviation Safety Consultant is a person who is an expert in his field; he has many years of experience as a pilot or maintenance technician working on a variety of aircraft. He is hired to give expert opinion based on thorough investigations, as to how and why the accident occurred. They do this by interviewing survivors, thoroughly reviewing and analyzing flight and maintenance records, examining engines, studying human performance and every minute aspect that is even remotely connected with the aircraft. They can be called any day, any time to any place when an aircraft meets with an accident, to investigate the matter and find the cause. It is a tedious job as they have to work for unusual hours for long period of time. At times the place of their work is so bad that it becomes tough for them. Still they are able to handle it as they come from the ranks of the National Transportation Safety Board - The NTSB. The NTSB oversees accident investigations of both general and commercial airlines. Pilots who serve on accident investigation teams within individual airlines are another source for consultants.

Today we find many aviation consulting and airline consulting services doing good business. The reason is the explosive growth of commercial aviation with package services. The more the business the more mishaps, hence the aviation consulting and airline consulting organizations today, ’Fly High, they don’t Walk Low!

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